Monday, December 10, 2012


I am serving
A life sentence 
In prison

Every flake of my skin
Every drop of my blood
To be free
Is it selfish to be glad
to find a friend in
such a place?

Before you came
I could only count the ways
I hate this prison

Now I count the ways
I will love to be free
You shake me awake
Your hands reaching
Through the bars

You are leaving
Without me
But you want to say goodbye

I hate that word

I would not ask you to stay
Would I?

Take me with you.

But you can’t
You don’t have the key
I do.
You are magnificent
in your freedom.
I watch you escape
in wonder
You are lightning
and dustdevil
A drop of water
leaping and singing
over the edge
A flame dancing
And changing colors

You are long gone
When I fall apart
In my cell

How dare you leave me here?
I should have begged you
To stay.
I will go mad in here
Before my sentence ends.

I beat at the door
The key is in my hand
But I can’t find the lock.

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